Gabriel Kwa

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is a 2D pixel roguelike shooter where a group of gacha game players left poor reviews of a gacha game, which caused the developers to trap them inside the game to witness their suffering. In a game universe made by egoistic, incompetent, magic-wielding developers, the players will have to find their way out to return to their normal world by fighting enemies in the buggy game.


PC, Group Project, Unity, FYP, 2022

My Contributions

For Esc:RNG, I was in charge of being a gameplay and game systems programmer.

The team came to an agreement that our project required lots of repetitive work after the game systems were built, therefore I made in-editor tools for this project for the designers to tweak to their needs.

Procedural Dungeon asset tool

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One of the tools was for Zelda-style procedural dungeon generation.

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It uses the built-in tilemap from Unity and allows for parameter tweaking. It allows the designers to make, save, and define generation rules for the room when the game generates the dungeons.

Other tools

Aside from that, a tool was also made for weapon gacha and weapon crafting rules.

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I made the tools based on requirements from the game design document while making use of scriptable objects.

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While unpublished, there was also a UnityEvents system tool integrating scriptable objects, this was planned to be used should development of the game continue past the required assignment.

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Other Contributions

Other things I contributed were keybinding settings using JSON, as well as modifying the plugin scripts used, to suit our use case.